- Is it possible to translate the web interface and Windows GUI of PRTG into other languages?
- How can I obtain existing language translations for PRTG?
FeedHow can I translate PRTG Network Monitor into other languages or get existing language files?
3 Replies
This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 7 or later
How To Translate PRTG Into Other Languages
You want PRTG to be displayed in a language that is not yet delivered with PRTG? This is possible. Create a new language file to run PRTG in your language.
Every translation needs an .lng file to be created. This file contains all the language strings which are used by PRTG to render the user interface. Paessler supplies a PRTG translation tool, just see the download section below.
Important note: We cannot provide support for your custom language files nor for usage of the Paessler Translation Tool.
- Download and install the current version of PRTG Network Monitor as well as the PRTG Translation Tool (see below).
- Locate PRTG’s language subfolder in the installation folder, the default path is %Program Files\PRTG Network Monitor\language\.
- Copy the english.lng file to a new directory (e.g. C:\users\yourname\translation).
- Duplicate english.lng and rename it to mylanguage.lng (of course you can use italian.lng, igbo.lng, or whatever your language is called).
- Please note that both your new mylanguage.lng file and the english.lng file are required in this folder.
- Start the PRTG Translation Tool and open mylanguage.lng.
- Before you do anything else, go to Edit|Edit language info and change the language info according to your needs:
- Enter a two character ID string for your language, for example it for Italian, or ig for Igbo. To allow the web interface to optimally adjust its design to your language, enter also an Extended ID, for example it_IT for Italian, or ig_IG for Igbo.
- Enter the name of your language as you want it to appear in the language selection box of the PRTG Administration Tool.
- Enter the code page that is used for the display of web pages, for example windows-1252 for West European languages, or shift-jis for Japanese.
- Enter the code page number that you want the PRTG Translation Tool to use for the proper display of your language, e.g. 932 for Japanese. 0 uses the system’s code page. For West European languages you can leave it at 0.
- Enter two file names of fonts that PRTG will use for its graphs that are capable of displaying the characters of your language, for example msgothic.ttc for Chinese, Japanese etc. For West European languages you can leave these fields empty.
- Save your settings and close the PRTG Translation Tool to ensure that the code page settings are really active the next time you start the program.
Translation Work
See the PRTG Translation Tool quick reference guide for all possibilities. It is included in the PRTG Language Tool downloadable zip-folder (see below).
- Start the PRTG Translation Tool. It automatically opens the last file, so very probably the correct language file will be loaded – if not, please do so manually by selecting your language file in the file menu.
- Enter your translation for each string in the Translation column. After having translated a string, uncheck the New flag by either clicking on it or pressing the F6 key.
- Always remember: Save often! Also copy your language file to a different directory, appending numbers to the filename so you get different backup versions of your file. We have tested the PRTG Translation Tool very thoroughly and found that it works as expected, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
- You can sort the strings by clicking on the column headers. You can filter new, old (= already translated), equal (=English and Translation strings are identical), or different strings in the Filter menu. You can copy and paste using the shortcuts Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
- Save your file and close the PRTG Translation Tool.
- Copy mylanguage.lng to the language folder of your PRTG installation.
- In the PRTG web interface, navigate to Setup | System Administration | User Interface and scroll to Website Language.
- Choose your language, save and enjoy network monitoring with PRTG in your language.
Software Updates
There may be new or changed strings whenever updates for PRTG Network Monitor are released. As soon as a new version of PRTG is available and installed, simply copy the latest english.lng file to your translation directory, overwriting the old version of english.lng. Start the PRTG Translation Tool - all new and changed strings will be flagged as new and can easily be filtered so you can enter a convenient translation of only the new strings.
If nothing works in the PRTG web interface, usually a wrong single quote ' or double quote " in one or more translated strings leads to JavaScript (and then most of the page) being non-functional. You can find these strings quite easily by using FireFox and the plugin FireBug. Replace the suspicious quote characters with their HTML entities: ' for a single quote and "e; for a double quote.
The software can be downloaded here:
Created on Jan 22, 2010 9:46:59 AM by
Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG]
Last change on Oct 31, 2018 8:55:21 AM by
Martina Wittmann [Paessler Support]
Alternative Translation Tool
PTF Translate is a tool used to create new language files for PRTG Network Monitor as well as for the TrayNotifier.
For each translation a .lng file must be created. This file contains about 5000 strings for the Network Monitor or about 400 strings for the TrayNotifier which are used to render the user interface.
How to start
- Copy the existing english.lng language file from PRTG’s language subfolder (by default C:\Program Files\PRTG Network Monitor\language) or from the TrayNotifier’s language subfolder (by default C:\Program Files\PRTG Tools Family\TrayNotifier\Language) to a new directory (e.g. c:\temp\language).
- Start PTF Translate and open C:\temp\language\english.lng
- You can load an existing .lng file using the File menu, the toolbar menu or by simply dragging the .lng into the translation grid.
Download and Video
Download and instruction video are available at Google Code:
Created on Feb 3, 2010 8:47:34 AM
Last change on Apr 19, 2012 2:16:59 PM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
This article is outdated.
Download Existing Language Files
There are already some language files available at Google Code!
Among these are
- Brazilian/Portuguese
- Dutch
- Slovak
See http://code.google.com/p/prtg7addons/downloads/list?q=Translation for more details.
Steps to take
- Download a language file (link above)
- Unpack the archive and copy the language file to the language sub directory of your PRTG installation
\PRTG Network Monitor\language
- Start the PRTG Server Administrator and select the language from the drop down list
- Click OK and restart the PRTG server service (you will be asked to do this)
Created on Feb 3, 2010 12:07:52 PM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
Last change on Oct 31, 2018 8:54:24 AM by
Martina Wittmann [Paessler Support]
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