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FeedHow do I test an SNMP Trap Receiver sensor?



I have added an SNMP Trap Receiver sensor to my PRTG installation.

It seems that it does not work properly. How can I test if traps are received and if the sensor works?

help prtg snmp trap trap-receiver

Created on Oct 13, 2010 11:00:11 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Dec 10, 2020 3:02:15 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 22

Testing an SNMP Trap Receiver sensor

  1. Use Wireshark to make sure that the SNMP traps you want to monitor are actually received on the probe system with the SNMP Trap Receiver sensor.
  2. Make sure that the probe listens on port 162 (or the one defined in the settings of your SNMP Trap Receiver sensor). For this purpose, you can use the following command-line command: netstat -ano
  3. Create a new notification template of the type Send SNMP Trap. As Host/IP Address enter the IP address of the probe on which you created the SNMP Trap Receiver sensor and save your settings.
  4. Click Send test notification for the SNMP trap notification you have just created. PRTG now sends an SNMP trap to the target probe. If the trap has been received correctly by the probe, it shows up in the SNMP Trap Receiver sensor after a while.
    Note: Make sure that you have not excluded this message in the sensor settings.


Created on Oct 13, 2010 11:08:39 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Feb 28, 2023 2:55:38 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.