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FeedHow to reduce number of alerts to a single alert instead of one for each sensor, using dependencies?



I am monitoring my pcs each setup with 5 sensors. Most of my workstations alert just fine but I have a couple of them that when they go down I get 5 alerts, one for each sensor! How to I stop this? I saw another post similar to my question which suggested upgrading to 8, but that did not help. I have checked, checked and recheck my dependencies and inheritances and everything seems fine. I have also checked under notification and can't see anything that stands out.

Can you tell me specifically how to make all of them pause by the parent when ping alerts?

alarms alerts dependencies duplicate parent pause ping

Created on Oct 14, 2010 11:33:21 PM

Last change on Oct 15, 2010 9:07:13 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Set Ping Sensor the Master Object for Parent

  1. Set it: Open the settings of the Ping sensor that pings your workstation.
    • In the Schedules and Dependencies settings, select Dependency Type Master object for parent.
    • Save your settings.
  2. Test it: Right-click on the Ping sensor you just edited and select Simulate Error Status.
    • The Ping sensor will turn to a red Down status.
    • All other sensors on this device should show a blue Paused (Message "Paused by Dependency") status. If they do, you've successfully set your other sensors dependent on the Ping sensor. If they don't show a Pause status, please proceed to step 3.
  3. Open the settings of the other sensors on your device and make sure they all use Dependency Type Use parent. Proceed to step 2.


For more information, please see manual section Dependencies.

Created on Oct 15, 2010 9:21:18 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Oct 15, 2010 9:21:59 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

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