We have PRTG Network Monitor running with a few remote probes, and need to move a probe from an old server to a new server. Is it possible to move the probe to the new server while maintaining all of the sensors and historical data that was collected from the probe? If so, what are the procedures for moving a remote probe while keeping all data?
9 Replies
This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 14 or later
Moving a Probe
Note: This guide is only relevant if you have Historic Data or Sensors on the "Probe Device" itself which you NEED/want to keep (Packet Sniffer, Syslog Receiver, etc). In most cases you can simply adopt a new probe (with the new GID) and then move any groups or devices from the old to the new probe, the historic data of all sensors will be kept, this does only not apply to sensors on the Probe Device as the Probe device cannot be moved, each probe has it's own Probe Device.
Moving a remote probe to a new host is quite easy (especially if you intend to keep the IP). Please follow these steps:
- Install the remote probe on the new machine, and
- Configure it to connect to the core server (IP and Port of the Core Server).
- The next (and most important) thing is to copy the GID from the old remote probe to this new one. You can find it in the PRTG Administration Tool on the system with your probe. Save these settings.
- As soon as you've configured the GID on the new probe, configure the PRTG probe Service on the old remote probe to manual (and stop it) to prevent it from starting automatically again. Important: Two probes with the same GID connecting at the same time would lead to a flaky/nonfunctional probe.
- If you have any custom sensors on the remote probe, copy the files over to the new host. They are located in this default directory if you have not changed the path:c:
Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors - You can now shut down the old probe PC, and power up the new one under the old IP. If the new server has a new IP, please make sure that this new IP is allowed to establish a probe connection to the core server. You can do this in the PRTG web interface main menu under Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes, section Probe Connection Settings, setting Allow IPs.
(Note: in previous versions, navigate to "Setup | System Setup | Probe Management" or "Setup | System Administration | Probes".) - The Core server will send out the 'configuration' to the remote probe with the information what to monitor.
- Nearly all sensors will keep their historic data and also continue to work. A few sensors directly from the probe device might not continue to work, these are often Packet Sniffers, WMI Network Card Sensors (and sometimes other WMI Sensors) due to hardware differences.
See Also
Created on Feb 23, 2010 1:15:13 PM by
Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]
Last change on Dec 5, 2022 5:39:30 AM by
Felix Saure [Paessler Support]
Very interesting reply.
You should add it into the documentation (how to replace a remote probe). If my probe is badly crashed, how can I get its GID from my PRTG Cluster ?
Thank you for your answer. Best Regards, Arnaud.
Please see: Where can I find the GID if restoring a computer
What if the actual probe I want to migrate is the local probe, in the same machine of the core server? Does it works? The procedure is the same?
You cannot move the Local Probe to another server. You can only drag & drop all devices under the Local Probe to another Remote Probe.
Hi, I am attempting to do something similar, will this process work if migrating all devices from a Remote Probe to the Local Probe? Would there be any complications of with this?
Hi Mike,
In this case that's not necessary. Simply move the devices/device-groups from the Remote Probe to the Local Probe in your device tree. You can do so in Management Tab.
Kind regards.
Can you update the manual process above, or post, to include a case when the remote probes host being replaced is no longer online or available?
Hi Stephen,
You mean something like this? That's however something different, since here we're talking about moving a Remote Probe to another machine in order to resume its "duty", while the other article refers to permanently deleting a no longer needed probe. I added this other post to "See also" section at the end now.
Kind regards.
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