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FeedWhat are the benefits of using Webserver Stress Tool? What does it do - what does it not do?



What can I do with web server stress tool? What is it for? What does it do? And what does it not do?

general info software webserver-stress-tool

Created on Feb 24, 2010 8:31:10 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Feb 24, 2010 9:18:11 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Webserver Stress Tool

The simplicity of Webserver Stress Tool means any webmaster, programmer, or administrator of a web site can test a webserver/web application under heavy load in real-time. This provides unparalleled ability to quickly adjust webserver configurations for optimal performance (i.e. when a new feature or content is launched).

What it does

Webserver Stress Tool simulates lots of users by sending http-requests to a webserver. It works with almost any server based technology like asp, jsp, cfm, or java. Many different load patterns can be generated with this web testing tool.

What it does not

This web testing tool does not simulate the client based processes (e.g. javascripts or java applets running inside the webbrowser). It simulates the HTTP requests (for webpages, HTML, images, frames, etc.) sent by a computer a user uses to access a website.

Nevertheless websites using JavaScript/Java can usually be tested. Since most client side scripts create nothing else but HTTP requests, it is still possible to test such web sites. You can record the URLs using the included URL recorder for the test or you can write your own script with the URLs to test.


Created on Feb 24, 2010 8:32:57 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Feb 24, 2010 8:36:03 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

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