You are probably right about the overflow. I tried using another tool for monitoring and got the same negative value, it seems like its the snmp definition from NetApp that is "wrong" somehow. Later on i found that other people with netapp - on their forums had same troubles.
But I found a workaround, by using custom sensors and using a batch-file, a command linke snmp-get, and a pythonscript.... And adding 4294967296 if the number is negative.
Its manageble defining these custom sensors for just two sensors i need to monitor, but i really would need to monitor about 10-30 sensors to get a good overview of the disk usage.
It would be really nice if one could do a bit math directly in the sensors, since i dont think its possible to always have right values from snmp.... And some of the result values from my netapp are divided in two different snmp-fields that eventually needs to be added together to make sens.
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