I didn't know if anyone has resolved this yet so I figured I would post up how I resolved the issue in my environment.
We have a two node SQL cluster in Active/Active mode.
I create a "Group" inside of PRTG and then create a "Device" for each of the following items.
Host1, Host2, MSDTC, SQLInstance1, SQLInstance2. Each of these can be monitored independently as they all have a specific IP or set of IP's associated with them.
On each of the host nodes I monitor only the following items:
Ping, CPU Load, CPU Queue Length, Memory, Physical Hardware, Network Connectivity, Locally Exclusive Storage, Uptime
On the DTC I monitor:
Disk Utilization for the DTC Drive, DTC Service
On the SQLInstance1&2 I monitor:
Disk Utilization, SQL Services, Disk Queue Length, SQL Server Statistics (General Stats, Access Methods etc...)
What does this get you?
Each SQL host node independently monitored for CPU, RAM and Network performance.
Each SQL Instance independently monitored for Disk, service availability, SQL performance Statistics
What does this not get you?
Which node is my SQL Instance running on?
What have I not yet tested?
Running an SQL query against a specific database. Though I do not see why it would not work.
I'm pretty sure that you could run a SQL command against the master DB to figure out what the host name is of the machine that it is running on (I actually just had that idea as I typed it) but I've been buried at work lately so I've not thought much about it.
Hopefully I'm not too late to the party here or someone finds this handy.
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