I have set up PRTG to listen on port 444. I use both port 80 and port 443 on the server PRTG is running on. PRTG is running fine on port 444 but i would like to enable SSL so the passwords etc is not sent in clear text. How do i do this?
Best Answer
This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 12.3.4 or later
Custom SSL Port Now Available
As of version 12.3.4 [Stable] a custom SSL port for the PRTG web server can now be defined.
Quote from the version history:
Improved [Core]: PRTG web server can now run on https (SSL) on a user specific port (other than 443)
13 Replies
at the moment ssl is only possible if PRTG uses port 443, sorry.
To Paessler support. This would be a highly recommended "addition" for some future update to PRTG. I too have another instance running on my Windows Server that already uses port 443, and needs to remain so. If at all possible, please make this an option at some point, a highly valued and needed feature.
Thank you. :)
Is there any progress on this?
We are currently evaluating the product and for us this is a significant shortcoming. We need to be able to access PRTG remotely but the server we use already has a web server.
For obvious reasons we don't want to use unencrypted access..
Hello, this is still on the wishlist, but also still our recommend "strategy" here is two set up two IPs with one assigned to PRTG and the other for your other service which also needs port 443.
Your suggestion is interesting but hardly straight forward.
I have spent a LONG day trying to implement this. We are running a single server environment which is also a domain controller. It is a heavily firewalled network with multiple VLANs. Trying to create a multihomed domain controller is a nightmare of possible problems at the best of times; add in the rest of our environment and the fact both web servers (IIS and PRTG) have to be accessible internally and externally and you end up with a blinding headache.
I did eventually get this working using two IP addresses on the same subnet (requiring "netsh http add iplisten"). I also needed to install a hotfix from Microsoft that allowed me to install the second IP address configured so that it only responded to, rather than initiate, TCPIP traffic.
I have 30 years of experience working with servers and communications. I'm not saying I know it all but I am no beginner either. Please give us all a break and implement SSL on other ports!
BTW Your iPhone app also only connects securely on port 443 so it would be nice if you looked at that too.
I would also like it very much if there would be SSL support on other ports instead only 443. Today I bought the product and I tought that it would be no problem to change the SSL port, didn't look good enough I guess..
I´m looking forward for this function too. I know it´s planed in a future release but can you estimate in which quarter of the year it could be? We also have a decision for purchase to make and this is an importent criteria.
It's on the wishlist, but not scheduled for a certain version or date. Sorry.
Hi. we also need this solution for our installation. In an environment were the server hosts more than one web application it is important to have the possibility to change the ports to a customer value.
And please: also remove the redirection for port 80 which are discussed in articel "PRTG blocks port 80 although I'm using SSL on port 443. How to free port 80?" At the moment we use PRTG only internal on port 83 but it block also port 80.
I think that all of your customers are have enough know-how to handle there own systems.
Dear Manfred, please use the solution from the article you mentioned, to shut down the use of port 80 by PRTG.
Hi! Same feature request here. SSL on non default port would be very nice! Thanks!
This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 12.3.4 or later
Custom SSL Port Now Available
As of version 12.3.4 [Stable] a custom SSL port for the PRTG web server can now be defined.
Quote from the version history:
Improved [Core]: PRTG web server can now run on https (SSL) on a user specific port (other than 443)
For a list of ports that PRTG requires, please see the article Which ports does PRTG use on my system?
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