I would like to migrate my PRTG server (w/ local probe) to a new server. I recently upgraded to from v7. I found the following document that mentions how to backup PRTG, but it doesn't clear say if should install PRTG8 on my new server then simply stop the services and copy the data over. Is there an official migration document I can follow. My goal is to make sure that I retain historical data (graphs) and that all of my groups, devices and sensors are migrated over. As it stands, I have copied all Program File and App Data files to a temp location on the new server that I plan to install PRTG8 on. How should I proceed?
Also, is there a way to export and/or archive data from PRTG? For example, lets say I wanted to archive all data older than 12 months to keep a permenant copy. Is there a way to do this and have it remove the data to free up disk space?
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