I have sucessfully used the Paessler MIB Imported to import/convert MIBS for PRTG Net Monitor with other manufactures but unable to import the MIBs from Extreme Networks. The log indicates "Sucessfully included Files" but 0 OIDs. We use Extreme BD8800, Summit 450/250 layer 3 switches.
Best Answer
Importing MIB Files from vendor Extreme Networks
In our experience, the MIB Files from Extreme Networks actually contain several MIB files in one single file:
-- This file contains multiple ASN.1 Module definitions
In order for the MIB Importer to read the contained information, you have to split the file into single MIB files, each of them containing one section only.
Each section begins with a line containing the string DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN and ends with a line containing the word END. For example, such a section could look like this:
The filename of the *.mib file should match the string before DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN, in the example above this would result in a file named EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB.mib
Please copy each section in a single text file and save it. Afterwards, you can import these single files using the Paessler MIB Importer.
Using a File Splitter
The procedure described above might involve a lot of manual work. Using a file splitter you can automatically split such a combined MIB file into its single sections. However, in the example below the file names aren't set correctly, so you might need to correct them in case the single resulting MIB files contain dependencies between each other.
'Hack' Solution Using Csplit
This is an example of how you could split an MIB file. However, file names won't be set correctly, but this will result in consecutively numbered files only.
- Download and install the CoreUtils from Sourceforge.
- Use a command in the following format to split into files with the filename pattern mib00, mib01, mib02, etc. The input file my_mib_file.mib will be split before each line ending with the word BEGIN:
csplit -ks -f .\mib my_mib_file.mib /BEGIN$/ {*}
- Try importing the MIB files using MIB Importer. Note: The first file (mib00) will most likely contain comments only, so you can delete it.
- If the importer tool shows errors regarding dependencies, manually correct the file names and try the import again.
See Also
Usually, you won't need the entire information contained in the MIB file. For information on how to only select the required counters for your OIDLIB file, please see MIB problems: PRTG hangs when adding SNMP library sensor
Created on Apr 19, 2011 11:28:25 AM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
Last change on Apr 19, 2011 11:41:30 AM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
4 Replies
this might mean, that either the MIB only contains counter which currently the MIB Importer & PRTG can't work with (String-Counters, Traps, or double-indexed counters), or that maybe that the MIB-File actually contains more than one MIB, which "confuses" the MIB Importer sometimes. In case of the latter, you could simply forward us the MIB in question to support@paessler.com for a quick check.
Best Regards.
Importing MIB Files from vendor Extreme Networks
In our experience, the MIB Files from Extreme Networks actually contain several MIB files in one single file:
-- This file contains multiple ASN.1 Module definitions
In order for the MIB Importer to read the contained information, you have to split the file into single MIB files, each of them containing one section only.
Each section begins with a line containing the string DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN and ends with a line containing the word END. For example, such a section could look like this:
The filename of the *.mib file should match the string before DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN, in the example above this would result in a file named EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB.mib
Please copy each section in a single text file and save it. Afterwards, you can import these single files using the Paessler MIB Importer.
Using a File Splitter
The procedure described above might involve a lot of manual work. Using a file splitter you can automatically split such a combined MIB file into its single sections. However, in the example below the file names aren't set correctly, so you might need to correct them in case the single resulting MIB files contain dependencies between each other.
'Hack' Solution Using Csplit
This is an example of how you could split an MIB file. However, file names won't be set correctly, but this will result in consecutively numbered files only.
- Download and install the CoreUtils from Sourceforge.
- Use a command in the following format to split into files with the filename pattern mib00, mib01, mib02, etc. The input file my_mib_file.mib will be split before each line ending with the word BEGIN:
csplit -ks -f .\mib my_mib_file.mib /BEGIN$/ {*}
- Try importing the MIB files using MIB Importer. Note: The first file (mib00) will most likely contain comments only, so you can delete it.
- If the importer tool shows errors regarding dependencies, manually correct the file names and try the import again.
See Also
Usually, you won't need the entire information contained in the MIB file. For information on how to only select the required counters for your OIDLIB file, please see MIB problems: PRTG hangs when adding SNMP library sensor
Created on Apr 19, 2011 11:28:25 AM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
Last change on Apr 19, 2011 11:41:30 AM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
I have succesfully imported Extreme 12.6.x.x mib file. I have used freeware "Textfilesplitter 2.0.4" Configured it as follows: x Use file pattern Split by text Boundary, Cointains, "::=BEGIN"
This SW made me few files named by sections in Extreme MIB file.
Imported that files in Paessler MIB importer..
That's it..
This Powershell code worked for me:
(Get-Content .\ -Raw) -split "-- ################################################################################" | %{$success = $_ -match '(.+) DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN'; $filename = $matches[1] -replace '\s','';$_ >> "$filename.mib"}
It splites the Document and writes the parts in Files with the correct name.
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