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Feedroundtrip email setup




A newbiw question but after reading the help I am none the wiser...

I am trying to setup a roundtrip email monitor and I am failing on setting up the SMTP account details to send the test email.

I was expecting to see an SMTP server address field where I could put in mail.chrisbrown.co.uk - but all I can see is an Helo Ident field and I have no clue what to put into this.

Could someone please advise me what I need to put into this field in order to direct the monitor to that address.



roundtrip setup smtp

Created on Feb 14, 2011 3:36:29 PM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



PRTG's sensors usually use the DNS name/IP address entry of the device they're created on. This is also true for the Roundtrip sensor: As SMTP server, the sensor uses the IP address/DNS name value of the device it is added on.

For more details, please see SMTP&POP3 Round Trip Sensor or SMTP&IMAP Round Trip Sensor.

Created on Feb 15, 2011 11:38:47 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

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