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FeedProblem with EHLO string



I have been running version 7, and today I updated to the newest version and I have been having a problem with the SMTP EHLO string. Both versions seem to send out the computer name on the EHLO string, instead of the FQDN specified in the system settings. This has cause issues with services such as senderbase, that detected the maligned EHLO strings.

Is there a way to correct this?


ehlo fqdn senderbase

Created on Mar 8, 2011 2:05:09 AM

1 Reply




can you send us a screenshot of the settings in the SMTP-Mail delivery options in PRTG to support@paessler.com along with the resulting "output" which seems to be wrong?

Best Regards.

Created on Mar 8, 2011 2:26:33 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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