I am making a simple API call from a server side script to retrieve some basic server status information. Using the following URL I get a response that contains the text Connection Failed which is not formatted the way the documentation shows an XML error being formatted. Copying and pasting the same URL into a browser window, returns the desired XML results. I am hoping for a little illumination on the Connection Failed response I am receiving to direct my troubleshooting.
URL used: http://*redacted*/api/table.xml?content=devices&output=xml& columns=objid%2Cdevice%2Chost2Cstatus&id=2001& username=*redacted*&reqData.password=*redacted*
Further Information: This request is being made from ColdfusionMX 7 using cfhttp. Orginally I attempted to retrieve the data via Javascript with an AJAX request, and received a header only response using the same URL.
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