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FeedWhy does my API call return simply "Connection Failed"?



I am making a simple API call from a server side script to retrieve some basic server status information. Using the following URL I get a response that contains the text Connection Failed which is not formatted the way the documentation shows an XML error being formatted. Copying and pasting the same URL into a browser window, returns the desired XML results. I am hoping for a little illumination on the Connection Failed response I am receiving to direct my troubleshooting.

URL used: http://*redacted*/api/table.xml?content=devices&output=xml& columns=objid%2Cdevice%2Chost2Cstatus&id=2001& username=*redacted*&reqData.password=*redacted*

Further Information: This request is being made from ColdfusionMX 7 using cfhttp. Orginally I attempted to retrieve the data via Javascript with an AJAX request, and received a header only response using the same URL.

api javascript web-page

Created on Mar 24, 2011 8:07:12 PM

2 Replies



Dear Benjamin,

does the call work executed locally on the PRTG Server? Could it be any firewall or similar in between blocking it?

Best Regards.

Created on Mar 25, 2011 12:41:55 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Further troubleshooting on my end reveals that this seems to be an SSL issue between my server and PRTG server. I am manually importing the SSL certificate now, and will see if that fixes the issue.

Created on Mar 25, 2011 12:44:57 PM

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