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FeedHow do you stop total traffic from displaying in the Live Graph?



How do you stop the total traffic (default green) in the displays of Live Graph, 2 days, 30 days, etc?

We only want to see the traffic in and traffic out but do not want the total traffic to show. It makes the graph too confusing for people that aren't very technical.

PRTG v 8.33.2200 on Windows


prtg traffic-graphing windows

Created on Apr 4, 2011 12:30:09 PM

4 Replies

Accepted Answer



The easiest way to do that is to make the Sum channel invisible. This is done by going into the channel configuration and selecting the Sum channel. When you do that, you will uncheck the "Display in Tables" and "Display in Charts."

Created on Apr 6, 2011 3:56:09 AM



Select the respective sensor then hits for channel tab. Uncheck the 'show in charts' and 'show in tables' at display category.

Created on Apr 6, 2011 6:08:12 AM



Is there a global way to uncheck "show in charts" for all my existing sensors? Or is there a way to have it unchecked by default when creating new sensors? This will be very time consuming to change every individual sensor.

Created on May 10, 2011 12:58:56 AM



Dear John, I'm sorry in the moment this can't be changed for all sensors, nor is there a default to set for all sensors. But we are working on a "Multi-Channel-Edit" so that you can change this on all existing sensors at once with PRTG 9. Please bear with us.

Created on May 10, 2011 1:30:26 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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