How can I display different Top 10 lists (on my custom PRTG dashboard for example) than those already available?
How can I display different Top 10 lists than those already available?
2 Replies
Note: Editing templates can become quite complex and is not officially supported by Paessler
Option 1: Creating a URL for a custom Top 10 List
Here is how you can create your own Top 10 list based on the built-in "Sensor list" webpage ("sensors.htm") (this does not apply to Maps and custom dashboards, though).
Note: To understand all parameters please have a look at the API documentation (available from under the "Help" menu). Depending on what you actually want to see in your top list you may need to alter the suggested URLs, similar to the ones below.
These two URLs for example, would result in a Top 10 list displaying sensors of a certain type / using a certain tag, with the smallest sensor results.
http://<server>/sensors.htm?sortby=-lastvalue&filter_tags=@tag(<desired sensor tag>)&count=10
http://<server>/sensors.htm?sortby=-lastvalue&filter_type=<desired sensor type>&count=10
If you want more than 10 items, edit the "count=" value.
Option 2: Editing the content of the "Dashboard.htm" webpage
The content of the Top 10 Lists webpage (Sensors=>By Current Value=>Top 10) is defined in this file:
<PRTG directory>\website\controls\dashboardtop10content.htm
When you look into this file using a text editor you will see a section like this for each list:
<#table tableid="sensortable"
count="10" >
You can edit the parameters (again, the API documentation explains the details) to define your own lists.
Note: Upon installation of a new version of PRTG your changes will be overwritten.
Option 3: Editing/Creating your own Map object
In the folder for map objects
<PRTG directory>\website\mapobjects
you will find files like Top10 Bandwidth Highest.htm. Make a copy of this file, rename it, edit the mapobject name (in the comment line of the first line in the file) and adapt the <#table> parameters, just like shown above. Afterwards you can add the new mapobject to your maps.
I have two questions:
1) I tried creating a new mapobject, but when I went into the Maps and tried to add it, it did not appear. Do I have to restart the Core Server for this to show up?
2) When using the table parameters listed above, is there a way to specify a channel number to use when filtering via a tag? Based on my tests, when filtering using the tag, the default channel is 0. I would like to use the same tag but display information on a different channel.
John Witte
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