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Feedtracking down excessive bandwidth usage




I have a content packet sniffer in place trying to track down excessive bandwidth usage going to my provider. I've set up an exclude filter of sourceip[] and destinationip[] so I don't get intra-lan ip traffic.

So far the two protocol classifications using the most bandwidth are the www and 'various' groups. How do I determine which URLs are in the www group and a breakdown of the protocols in the various classification? Would also like to see which IP addresses they're going to/coming from as well.



bandwidth packet-sniffing protocol-classification

Created on Apr 22, 2011 1:11:27 PM

3 Replies



Dear Ben,

have you checked the TopLists of the Packet Sniffer Sensor yet?

Best regards.

Created on Apr 26, 2011 11:57:57 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



I have; the results show high 'other' usage or high web traffic. Knowing what constitutes 'other' is a mystery for me. As well as determining within the web traffic, which intranet servers are generating it, and within those, which sites. I understand there is no site (ie domain) level tracking mechanism available.

How would I break down the other category?

Created on Apr 27, 2011 1:08:24 AM



Where exactly do you see the "Other"-entry? In the sensor results? Or in the Toplists. Because that would be two different things. Other in Toplists means a summery beyond the limit of entries for a toplist: What does the 'other'-entry in my TopConnections/TopTalkers mean?
Whereas Other in the sensor results itself means traffic type(s) unknown to PRTG.

Created on Apr 27, 2011 9:46:01 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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