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FeedError sending "EXE": Error1 when sending SMS message



We are using a Windows Server 2008 machine with PTRG installed.

To send SMS message we have connected a Nokia 2730 to the server and call on a batch script that runs Windows SMS Sender. This then sends an SMS message out of the phone attached to the server.

The batch script looks as follows:

@echo off
ping -n %4 -w 10000
start "SENDTEXT" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SMS Sender\SMSSender.exe\" /p:0271234567 /m:"The %1 test for %2 has the following status: %3"
ping -n 10 -w 10000
taskkill /im SMSSender.exe

Currently we have PRTG monitoring a PING on a Printer. In the notifications tab of the PING I have set the action to call the "SMS Steve" notification, which in turn calls the above batch file.

I have set 0 repeats and no escalation. We have the PRTG services being run by an account that has sufficient administrative access.

When I put the printer PING into a "test error state" we recieve an SMS stating that the printer is down. Then another. And another. It repeats about 3 times and then stops. Once we "resume" the failed ping we get an SMS immediately stating that it is back up. But then we recieve an SMS stating that it is down. And then up. And then down. And then up again.

Upon check the logs it appears some attempts to send the SMS are met with an Error sending "EXE": Error1 message. I do not know what this means.

We have been using this batch script on another monitoing software for some time now without incident. Can anyone advise what or where I might configure PRTG to only send an SMS alert once and in the right order?

Thanks in advance.

batch error sms

Created on May 10, 2011 12:05:46 AM

Last change on May 10, 2011 1:31:08 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer




please understand that we can only provide very limited support for Custom Scripts. Please try using 0 as an explicit exit code

exit 0

Maybe this does help.

best regards.

Created on May 10, 2011 2:42:58 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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