For these sensors you could set up a batch file Notification that appends the alert to a .csv file.
The name of the text file can include the year, month and day number, so there will be a separate "report" for every year,month or day. The example below produces a separate file for every day.
@echo off
rem based on date output "vr 03-12-2010"
@For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=- " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(
Set day=%%B
Set month=%%C
Set year=%%D
FOR /F %%a IN ('time /t') DO SET Time=%%a
Set file="c:\temp\Notification %year%-%month%-%day%.csv"
rem based on PRTG's default input parameters for notifications %sitename %device %name %status %down %message
if not exist %file% echo Date,Time,Sitename,Device,Name,Status,Down,Message >> %file%
echo %year%-%month%-%day%,%time%,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6 >> %file%
If you set up different notifications for different customers, you can also include the customer name in the name of the text file.
Open the .csv file with Excel for further processing and reporting.
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