I created a map that includes the alarms for a group of devices and I am embedding the iFrame into a different web page. But the font size is so small on the table, it is difficult to read. I tried looking through the CSS files, but didn't see anything that jumped out at me in terms of what I could increase there to make the font bigger. How can I make the font bigger by several sizes?
Best Answer
It is possible to add the font size directly to a map object. You find all map objects in the \webroot\mapobjects subfolder of your PRTG directory. Open the desired map object with an editor and add the font to the style statement, for example:
<div class="top10listcontainer" style="overflow:hidden;font-size:24px">
Save the adjusted html code as a custom map object (as an extra html file) in the \mapobjects folder so that PRTG does not overwrite it. Then you can use this object in your maps.
See also How can I add or edit map objects used for PRTG's maps?
Note: It is not possible to change the font size for a Sunburst map object because it is already adaptive.
Created on Oct 14, 2014 9:52:58 AM by
Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]
Last change on Oct 14, 2014 9:56:15 AM by
Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]
19 Replies
First, you can add your own CSS statements using the technique described here:
How can I re-brand and customize the PRTG web interface using CSS?
I guess the CSS rule you need to change is:
.top10listcontainer td,.top10listcontainer th, .top10listcontainer td div,.top10listcontainer th div { font-size:9px; }
Add this code to your custom css as described above and enter the font size you need.
Is there any documentation on how to resize other objects like "sensors in status error"-tables?
Best wishes
This should be possible as mentioned in the port provided above. You would have to place the information in the webroot/css/styles_custom.css file.
It is possible to add the font size directly to a map object. You find all map objects in the \webroot\mapobjects subfolder of your PRTG directory. Open the desired map object with an editor and add the font to the style statement, for example:
<div class="top10listcontainer" style="overflow:hidden;font-size:24px">
Save the adjusted html code as a custom map object (as an extra html file) in the \mapobjects folder so that PRTG does not overwrite it. Then you can use this object in your maps.
See also How can I add or edit map objects used for PRTG's maps?
Note: It is not possible to change the font size for a Sunburst map object because it is already adaptive.
Created on Oct 14, 2014 9:52:58 AM by
Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]
Last change on Oct 14, 2014 9:56:15 AM by
Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]
for some reason doing what Mr. Schoch wrote only changes the font-size of the header-row for me. Do you have any clue for me as to why I cannot change the font-size of the data-containing rows? For your information I am trying to change the style of the Table Object "Channels of a sensor." I also tried using the .css to change it but got the same results. I thank you very much in advance and hope someone here can shed a light on my problem!
Best wishes, Stadt-AB
Hi there,
You can change the <installation folder>\webroot\css\styles_custom.css and for example add
.customalarms_biggerfont td { font-size: 30px !important; }
Afterwards create a new map object, and add the new css class in the second line of the object. For the Alarm Table, the object might look like this:
<!--Data Tables: Custom Alarms--> <div class="map_object map_table customalarms_biggerfont" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="overflow:auto;<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">"> <#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>"> <#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>"> <#checkobjecttype objecttype="probenode,group,device" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>"> <div class="maptablecontainer" style="overflow:hidden"> <#lang key="html.mapobjects.tablea0.tabletitle" default="Alarms (@@@@)" var="tabletitle"> <#table tableid="sensortable" id="<@objectid>" content="sensors" columns="downtimesince,sensor,status,lastvalue,probegroupdevice,message" sortby="downtimesince" infoheader="false" links="false" sortable="false" varexpand="tabletitle" tabletitle="@tabletitle" filter_tags="@tag(<@tagfilterstring>)" filter_status="5" filter_status="4" filter_status="10" filter_status="13" filter_status="14" > </div> <#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>"> </div>
Store this object in the directory <installation folder>\webroot\mapobjects
Please note, that you might need to clear the browser cache for those changes.
Best regards
Hi Felix,
thank you so much! Everything works as expected the way you showed me. And it is very practical, too!
Best regards
I'm trying to achieve the same thing as the OP.
I've tried the suggestions above, filled in the (many) gaps as best I can. However this still isn't working.
Instead of making the Sensor icons larger, all it does is make the spacing between them greater and the sensor icons stay the same size. I'm putting the CSS into 'styles_custom.css', modified the name of the map_icon_large to map_icon_xxxxl in my mabobject and in CSS.
Any suggestions?
@psullivan: The size of the icons cannot be changed. They are fixed size files. You would have to edit the files themselves and scale up the icons. As those are used system wide I would strongly recommend not doing this as it might break the whole layout of PRTG.
Kind of an old topic. Bu I tried the exact same thing. The suggestion from Felix worked for me. I created an entry in the custom css, and the HTML file, and i worked. I now have font 30px. But now the message columns looks all wrong. It tries to make 2 rows of text, and the bottom line is half readible, half over the top line text.
Is there a fix for this?
Could you provide a screenshot?
is there a possibility to switch off the auto-expand of a table row with mouse-over of a data table. We have installed a survey monitor and want to have the complete information in the data table. There is no mouse on the monitor connected.
Thanks in advance.
Not quite sure what you mean - could you provide me with some screenshots?
this is an overview of our printers of the survey monitor (https://pl.vc/sr9qr). The text of the column "Nachricht" is cut. With mouse-over over a cell of the column the cell will expand (https://pl.vc/9lsif). It would be great if the content of a cell will be shown always full with no cuts with no mouse over.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, that's not possible, deeply anchored within PRTGs Javascript :(
I have the same issue here. Want to change the font-size of the Data Table:Alarms to a readable size. I made all of the changes to css and htm files as described by Felix, but nothing changes.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks. Thomas
Was the PRTG Core Server service restarted already?
Hi Stephan
Yes I booted the whole server... with no effect.
Any idea?
This might also be browser cache related - a forced refresh may do the trick as well (ctrl shift R)? The CSS is correctly entered as well?
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