I have looked in style.css. From attempting to view the source of the embedded iFrame which shows the customized map, I see that there is in the following order:
<div> /
<div id=showamap> ~
<div> ~
<div class="map_background"> ~
<div class="map_objectbox> ~
<div class="map_object map_icon map_icon_large"> ~
<div class="sensg">
The sensg seems to indicate the actual status icon, but changing the options for that (for example):
.sensg {
height:100px !important;
width:100px !important;
[Actual height would be refined based on size needs, but I changed it to 100 just to make the change look obvious on the webpage.]
Does not seem to do anything. If I replace the led_green_big.png in the icon file with a larger icon, it just gets cut off.
If I try to increase the height and width of .map_icon_large div.sensg, it seems to do nothing. The sensors do not appear to be embedded in any sort of table.
Do you have any idea which options I would need to update in the css file to be able to display a larger or the original icon in a larger manner?
Thanks for your help.
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