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FeedPTF Launcher and dnscmd



I am stuck, maybe someone has some insight to this issue. I am trying to run dnscmd.exe as a notification. I installed PTF launcher and am using it to launch cmd. If I pull up a normal command prompt, dnscmd runs fine. With the command prompt that PTF launcher launches, it says that dnscmd is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. This is not due to a PATH issue, I can change dir into windows\system32 and try to run it and it does the same thing. The environmental variables are the same between the command prompts, with an exception that the PTF launched one has some W6432 variables, like ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files. This is a 64-bit 2008 server by the way. Other commands run ok from the PTF launched command prompt. I didn't test all commands, but some common ones like ping and ipconfig work no problem. An ideas? Any other solution to changing a dns setting via notifications? TIA

execute-program notifications ptf-launcher

Created on Sep 9, 2011 7:18:48 PM

5 Replies



If you setup PTF Launcher to only open a cmd window, can you next start dnscmd manually from that window? If not can you manually change directory to where dnscmd resides and start it from there?

Created on Sep 12, 2011 7:02:28 PM



No it will not run from a cmd window that PTF launches. That is what I can not figure out. What is so different about how the cmd prompt runs through PTF than normally? It says that it isn't a valid EXE. Yet running other executables work. It is some sort of permissions, but I can't see what it would be. PTF launches a program running as the logged in user, correct? With the logged in user, I can open a cmd and run dnscmd no problem. In fact I can have the PTF launched cmd open in one window and a manually opened cmd in another and the PTF fails to run dnscmd and the manual does. SET variables are virtually identical, and PATH is identical. No antivirus is running on the machine. Logged in as administrator - full rights.

Created on Sep 12, 2011 7:24:01 PM



I found the issue, it is running a 32bit cmd prompt. But I cannot figure out how to forcefully run a 64bit cmd prompt, even if I specify windows\system32\cmd.exe, I believe wow64 interviens and runs the 32bit one. If PTF launcher was running as a 64bit program, I would guess it would run the 64bit one. Can we get a 64-bit PTF launcher made? What about a 64-bit version of PRTG? PRTG seems to be a cpu hog on 2008 and it might be from it running in 32bit mode. It would be nice to just have a 64 bit version now that MS is forcing 64bit on everyone.

Created on Sep 12, 2011 8:59:47 PM



If you send me an email, I'll drop you a link to a 64bit version of PTF Launcher for testing. You can find my email address on this page in the sidebar (under Feedback).

Created on Sep 13, 2011 7:19:22 AM



Philips test proved to be successful.

PTF Launcher version 1.0.5 is now compiled for both x64 and x86 and can be downloaded from this page.

Created on Sep 13, 2011 2:52:07 PM

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