We have a need to see login failures on a IIS 6 & 7 server farm. I would assume that some sort of log parsing will be required to make this work. Could someone point me in the right direction?
How can I monitor login failures on a web server?
Best Answer
Here is a small batch file to get you going, with a few remarks:
- You will have to set the "logfolder" variable to your own log file location.
- The script assumes log files are created on a daily basis and therefore returns the number of failed logins in the last created log file.
- The script is provided "as is" and you are of cause free to make your own modifications and improvements.
@ECHO OFF SET logfolder=\\YOUR_COMPUTER\c$\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1 SET /a counter=0 :: get newest file FOR /F %%f IN ('DIR %logfolder% /B /O:D') DO SET newestfile=%%f :: copy newest file to temp file COPY "%logfolder%\%newestfile%" c:\temp\xx.log > NUL :: process each line in the file FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%l in (c:\temp\xx.log) DO ( :: get the 12th column in the line FOR /F "tokens=12 delims= " %%a in ("%%l") DO ( IF %%a == 401 SET /a counter+=1 ) ) :: delete temp file DEL c:\temp\xx.log > NUL :: output to PRTG ECHO %counter%:Ok
5 Replies
If you have enabled logging in IIS for your "web site", the log files by default reside in C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles
Here you can examine the xx.log files and find the lines with 401 in the sc-status column.
(401 stands for Unauthorized login attempt)
How could I automate this process with PRTG?
Depending on what you exactly want to monitor, for example the total number of failed attempts for the last hour, you will have to write a Custom Sensor (script, batch or exe) that counts the 401's over the last hour.
The /api.htm page on your PRTG server can give you more detail on how to write such a sensor.
Here is a small batch file to get you going, with a few remarks:
- You will have to set the "logfolder" variable to your own log file location.
- The script assumes log files are created on a daily basis and therefore returns the number of failed logins in the last created log file.
- The script is provided "as is" and you are of cause free to make your own modifications and improvements.
@ECHO OFF SET logfolder=\\YOUR_COMPUTER\c$\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1 SET /a counter=0 :: get newest file FOR /F %%f IN ('DIR %logfolder% /B /O:D') DO SET newestfile=%%f :: copy newest file to temp file COPY "%logfolder%\%newestfile%" c:\temp\xx.log > NUL :: process each line in the file FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%l in (c:\temp\xx.log) DO ( :: get the 12th column in the line FOR /F "tokens=12 delims= " %%a in ("%%l") DO ( IF %%a == 401 SET /a counter+=1 ) ) :: delete temp file DEL c:\temp\xx.log > NUL :: output to PRTG ECHO %counter%:Ok
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