Hello Daniel,
Thank you for the quick reply. I managed to coble together a much more basic map object with a few hours work, but your's is much more friendly to more then a single sensor so its got alot more uses.
One thing I found with both your sensor and the one I was working on is that when I place a file named "tableX.htm" in the folder, the map designer gets confused and instead of showing the correct name from the first line of the code, just copies the name of the sensor that loaded alphabetically before it. In this case it was the tablechannels.htm sensor that it borrowed the name from, though the actual code for the object was correct, just makes them harder to find.
My solution was to just put them in the Custom HTML group which doesn't seem to have this same issue. I'm guessing it is just a bug in my PRTG 8 version, possibly fixed in PRTG 9 I just haven't upgraded yet.
In case others are interested, here's the code I created to display the messages of a sensor, with 500 messages listed, good for using with Syslog and Event log sensors.
Best regards,
<!--Custom HTML: Sensor Messages-->
<div class="map_object map_table" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="overflow:auto;<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">">
<#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>">
<#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>">
<#checkobjecttype objecttype="sensor" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>">
<div class="top10listcontainer" style="overflow:hidden;background-color:#fff;">
<b><#objectproperty name="Name" id="<@objectid>"></b>
<#table tableid="messagestable"
<#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>">
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