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FeedNo valid result from SSH Shell



There are many error on VMWare ESX Disk Sensors. We followed the following ticket (https://kb.paessler.com/knowledgebase/en/topic/24373-ssh-vmware-esx-i-disk-sensor-error) and upgraded our customer's PRTG to version 9 without solving the problem.


Sensor History
02/10/2011 22:58:00 Notification Info, State Trigger activated (Trigger ID: 4294967297)
02/10/2011 22:56:35 Down, 2 % (Free Space) is below the error limit of 10 %
02/10/2011 22:56:30 Notification Info, State Trigger activated (Trigger ID: 4294967297)
02/10/2011 22:56:30 Warning, No valid result from SSH Shell 
02/10/2011 18:13:00 Notification Info, State Trigger activated (Trigger ID: 4294967297)
02/10/2011 18:11:36 Down, 2 % (Free Space) is below the error limit of 10 %
02/10/2011 18:11:30 Notification Info, State Trigger activated (Trigger ID: 4294967297)
02/10/2011 18:11:30 Warning, No valid result from SSH Shell 
30/09/2011 22:40:00 Notification Info, State Trigger activated (Trigger ID: 4294967297)
30/09/2011 22:38:36 Down, 2 % (Free Space) is below the error limit of 10 %

disk ssh vmware

Created on Oct 3, 2011 8:39:20 AM

Last change on Jul 9, 2015 9:36:43 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

8 Replies



In the sensorsettings please choose "Write result to disk" and send us the resultfile the sensor has created.

Created on Oct 4, 2011 1:11:54 PM by  Aurelio Lombardi [Paessler Support]



Here is the result of the suggested command:


Last login: Mon Oct 24 12:38:15 2011 from srvprtg.newims.local

[root@vmware1 ~]# echo PAESSHSTART;vdf - 
Unknown option: k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdl5              5036284   1893576   2886876  40% /
/dev/sdl2              2016044   1546196    367436  81% /var/log
/dev/sdk1               124427     72955     45048  62% /boot
/dev/sdk2              5162828   1898096   3002472  39% /esx3-installation
/dev/sdk1               124427     72955     45048  62% /esx3-installation/boot
/dev/sdk6              2063504    136276   1822408   7% /esx3-installation/var/log
/dev/sdk5             10317828   5975896   3817816  62% /esx3-installation/vmimages
/vmfs/devices         71706928              0       71706928   0% /vmfs/devices
                      52428800       27379712       25049088  52% /vmfs/volumes/local_VMWARE1
                    2134638592     2103705600       30932992  98% /vmfs/volumes/array3_sata1
                    1073479680     1062461440       11018240  98% /vmfs/volumes/array3_sata2
                    1183580160      288370688      895209472  24% /vmfs/volumes/array3_sata3
                    2134638592      390963200     1743675392  18% /vmfs/volumes/array4_sata1
                    1073479680      950444032      123035648  88% /vmfs/volumes/array4_sata2
                    1915486208     1820336128       95150080  95% /vmfs/volumes/array4_sata3
                     524025856      317448192      206577664  60% /vmfs/volumes/array1_fc1
                     475529216      296495104      179034112  62% /vmfs/volumes/array1_fc2
                     419168256      317556736      101611520  75% /vmfs/volumes/array2_fc1
                     151781376       88757248       63024128  58% /vmfs/volumes/array2_fc2
[root@vmware1 ~]# 

Created on Oct 24, 2011 10:43:16 AM

Last change on Jul 9, 2015 9:36:59 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



What was the outcome of this investigation please? We are getting the same errors.

Created on Oct 11, 2012 1:26:36 PM



For reference if anyone else has this issue: Setting the SSH timeout to 10s and the scanning interval to 5mins (from 60s) appears to have initially resolved this issue. I haven't investigated whether the sensors were overloading the PRTG or the ESX host.

Created on Oct 11, 2012 1:45:40 PM



We have experienced the same issue with VMWare servers.

Changing the timeouts as described above resolved the issue for one of them, however, it has not stopped intermittent errors "No valid result from SSH Shell" on another one.

Does anyone have a solution to this?

Created on Apr 25, 2013 2:03:59 PM




this error may happen if the connected storage-system is responding slowly due to heavy load. If you fire the command 'df -k' on a ssh-shell how long will the result take to appear?

Please adjust the timeout-setting for these sensors to a higher value, the default is 5 seconds.
Depending on the load and the number of connected volumes a timeout of 10 or 15 seconds or even higher will be better.

Kind regards

Created on Apr 25, 2013 7:43:34 PM by  Dieter Loskarn [Paessler Support]




I have a fine connection to the servers, servers are running with low load, I have adjusted the ssh timeouts, and the testing intervals ... but I am still getting intermittent errors saying "No valid result from SSH Shell"..

Here is what I get written to disk when the test fails:


Last login: Mon May 20 16:07:18 2013 from prtgmaster.aac.academyart.edu

echo PAESSHSTART;/var/prtg/scripts/firefoxcheck.sh ./;printf "\n";echo PAESSHEND alertingadmin@alertingadmin-desktop:$ echo PAESSHSTART;/var/prtg/scripts/firefo xcheck.sh ./;printf "\n";echo PAESSHEND PAESSHSTAR

Created on May 29, 2013 9:47:19 PM




Is the missing 'T' at the end of your result-string really missing or have you just missed to copy it?

If you just missed to copy it this may be connected with some settings in your sshd_config-file. Please try to adjust the following settings to at least

ClientAliveInterval 15
ClientAliveCountMax 4

to enforce sshd to wait at least 1 minute with no data from the client (in this case the PRTG-Server) before dropping the connection.

Kind Regards

Created on Jun 3, 2013 10:14:15 AM by  Dieter Loskarn [Paessler Support]

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