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FeedShow Average of Traffic Total Channels using Sensor Factory




I have tried to create a Sensor Factory that includes the Traffic Total Channel of my Traffic Sensors.

I've tried it using avg function of Sensor Factory, the problem is it can only give the averages of two values, another things is it shows a weird Result which is very incorrect, it shows 0.xxx Kbyte .

I've used this Channel Definition for avg function: #1:Average_Traffic_Total avg( channel(2054,1),channel(2054,1) )

I also tried this Channel Definition: #1:Average_Traffic_Total ( channel(2054,-1) + channel(2055,-1) + channel(2056,-1) ) / 3

but it doesn't show any data.

Have I done anything wrong? I want PRTG to display the average of Traffic Total Sensor(speed) of my traffic sensors on a single report. What are your suggestions?


report sensor-factory traffic

Created on Nov 9, 2011 7:56:34 AM

Last change on Nov 18, 2011 12:59:52 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

2 Replies



That looks about right. What exact version of PRTG are you currently using? If you test avg(20,10) do you get the proper value returned?

Created on Nov 9, 2011 2:03:57 PM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3



I just tried avg(20,10) , it doesn't show any data on the Data Table, but on the Graph, it shows a value of 15 (MAX:15). I'm currently using the latest version of PRTG 9 (

Since the avg() function only compute 2 values, perhaps you can give me an advise on showing the average speed of my traffic sensors. For example, I want to get the average total speed of all the interface of my CISCO Switch.


Created on Nov 10, 2011 3:54:50 AM

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