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FeedSNMP sensors on probe device after update



After updating from Version to Version all the SNMP sensors of the probe device do not working anymore. Last messsage is "No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP-Fehler # -2003)"

SNMP sensors on other devices are working fine.

Was there any change of sensornames, settings, ...? May it help to delete all sensors from probe device and start a new autosearch?

probe-device prtg snmp

Created on Nov 16, 2011 7:38:59 AM

9 Replies




is it only one target device on which the SNMP Sensors do not work anymore? If so which kind of device is it? Was it rebooted by any chance, or "changed" in a similar manner?

best regards.

Created on Nov 21, 2011 1:18:36 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



The same happend to our PRTG installation:

We upgraded from to and one system became defect as specified by parent post.

Since then we have removed and re-added the device multiple times with different settings as well as the default ones. We have rebooted the PRTG server, but the problem persist.

The PRTG server is working, all other probes are working, no firewall is in between the PRTG server and probe client. Also: To day I tested the probe device with snmpwalk, and the device responds without any delay giving me lot of SNMP data. The test was executed on the PRTG server so PRTG should work, but it does not enable any sensors.

Created on Nov 28, 2011 12:49:15 PM



Hello, please check if the "Outgoing IP"-Setting is correct in the PRTG Probe Admin.

Created on Nov 28, 2011 3:07:48 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



It should be correct.

I changed it from "Auto" to the IP of the PRTG server just to test. Still the PRTG server does not detect any SNMP sensors to monitor.

Created on Nov 29, 2011 8:43:55 AM



Please use our SNMP Tester to scan against the target device with the option "Scan available standard interfaces". Which result do you get?

Created on Nov 29, 2011 2:26:43 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



First, I see that HP Insight Manager also have problem with pulling status info from the switch. But still, a snmpwalk test gives me some data. I suspect that a FW issue on the switch have triggered something not related to PRTG. I'm not able to verify this before I can do maintenance on the switch, which occur at a later point (maybe 2 weeks).

Second, this is the log from the SNMP tester. The result from a similar switch gives me sensible data, but the switch I'm struggling with does not, as seen below:

----------------------- New Test -----------------------
Paessler SNMP Tester 3.2

Scanning Standard Interfaces...
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Start Scan
30.11.2011 10:44:33 SNMP Version: V2
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Delay: 0
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Force32: No
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Single Get: No
30.11.2011 10:44:33 GET:
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Try 1
30.11.2011 10:44:33 Start 41487392
30.11.2011 10:44:38 Done 41487392 Status=2
30.11.2011 10:44:38 Try 2
30.11.2011 10:44:38 Start 41487392
30.11.2011 10:44:43 Done 41487392 Status=2
30.11.2011 10:44:43 Try 3
30.11.2011 10:44:43 Start 41487392
30.11.2011 10:44:48 Done 41487392 Status=2
30.11.2011 10:44:48 Try 4
30.11.2011 10:44:48 Start 41487392
30.11.2011 10:44:53 Done 41487392 Status=2
30.11.2011 10:44:53 Try 5
30.11.2011 10:44:53 Start 41487392
30.11.2011 10:44:59 Done 41487392 Status=2
Result: #N-2003

Found standard interfaces:
No standard interfaces found

Created on Nov 30, 2011 11:02:13 AM

Last change on Nov 30, 2011 2:35:44 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



If not even the SNMP Tester or even HP Insight can query data via SNMP from the target, then there is something seriously wrong regarding SNMP connectivity on this device, even though SNMP Walk might be able to result in some counters, the standard MIB2 counters do not seem to be available. You can be sure that this is not an issue on the tools PRTG, SNMP Tester and/or HPs Insight.

Created on Nov 30, 2011 2:37:19 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



It was a firmware related bug. Upgrading the FW solved the problem. PRTG detects all ports just fine now.

Also, thanks for the SNMP scan tool as it is a bit simpler to use than snmpwalk.

Created on Dec 20, 2011 1:09:58 PM



We had the same problem again after updating to version 12. Was fixed by configuration of snmp-service: in tab "Security" was missing the Community named "public".

Created on Oct 5, 2012 12:08:23 PM

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