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FeedName snmp value



Hi I am using a Dell server and are monitoring "virtual disk state" via SNMP.

And i am getting values sent to me and i found a translation to see wath the different values meen.

For example

  1. 1 = Ready
  2. 2 = Failed
  3. 3 = Online
  4. 24= Rebuildning

and alot more

I would like the status too to bee green only when #1 and #3 is the status all other status i would like it to be red or yellow.

Is there any way to set the status regarding the status number sent?

and is there any way to name the status number sent, so i can set that #2 is Failed and so on, so if my server sends any number i can easely see what it meens and i dont have to check a seperate list to translate the numbers?


snmp translate

Created on Nov 16, 2011 4:08:56 PM

3 Replies



Hi Martin,

A way to do this is by creating a Custom Sensor that does the monitoring, returns a message with the "translated" status and puts the sensor into a down state if the status is not 1 or 3.


Created on Nov 16, 2011 6:11:50 PM



Hi Thanx for the replay. But where do i do the translation?

The sensor gives me a value from 1 to 54 and each value meens somthing, now i have a PDF that i check if the value changes.

Isnt there any way to make a translation so if for example value 26 come up i can see it meens Formatting.

and how do i get a custom sensor to go to down state if the value is not 1 or 3?

I found the setting where i can set the state down / warning if its higher or lower a specific number.

Best reegard Martin

Created on Nov 17, 2011 1:22:29 PM

Last change on Nov 17, 2011 3:20:12 PM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3



Hi Martin,

Please see PRTG Manual: Custom Sensors for more details about Custom Sensors and their return value.


Created on Nov 17, 2011 3:45:54 PM

Last change on Jul 18, 2018 1:00:49 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

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