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FeedCustomize notification alerts for a sensor type



I am looking for a way to customize the alert that is being sent for our WMI Free Disk space notifications.

Currently when the notification is sent, the notification text relies on how the sensor is configured. eg for a free disk space % alert it sends your % disk space available. These are easy alerts to configure because a 10% disk space notification is the space for a 1TB disk or a 100GB disk.

However the difference between 10% free disk space on a 1TB disk and a 100GB disk is 100GB. I wouldn't really classify having 100GB free on a disk as 'critical', but the alert gets send regardless.

How can I customize or include the actual amount of free disk space in the notification for just WMI free disk space sensor type, instead of the free disk space %?

notifications prtg9 wmi-free-disk-sensor

Created on Nov 17, 2011 5:55:15 PM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



If you're using Threshold Triggers right now, a good strategy for you might be: In the disk space sensors' Settings tab, set the Enable Byte Limits option and enter limits to put the sensor in a Warning status when breaching a certain threshold (e.g. a Lower Warning Limit of 100 MBytes.

Then, use Status Triggers to send notifications in case of status Warning.

Tipp: Instead of setting limits in the sensors' Settings tab you can also edit individual channels in the Channels tab (edit channels named Free Bytes and Enable Limits).

Note: There is also multi-edit available for Settings and Channel settings.

Created on Nov 18, 2011 11:26:58 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Nov 18, 2011 11:28:31 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

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