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FeedImportant: a way to delay down sensors!



We have a group of sensors that are very fragile, because its a server that is unstable, but we will only be able to put a new server to fix these issues next year.

So its very sensible... An alert goes down, it alerts me immediatly, becomes red and plays sound. Then next time it checks its up. This nite I used IPAD instead of trusting on SMS alerts which I get only later. But I didnt get much sleep :) It would alert all the time about these sensible sensors.

There is no way to DELAY the red alert and sound a few minutes...

It would be a really nice feature. Hopefully others will agree.

Please cast your vote :)


alert delay

Created on Nov 24, 2011 3:32:30 PM

3 Replies



  1. Setup a ping sensor as master object for your device, so if the ping goes down the other sensors will not alert.
  2. Next, do not setup a "down" trigger but an "escalation" trigger for the ping sensor. Setting the escalation to xx minutes will only send a notification when the sensor is down for more than xx continues minutes .


Created on Nov 24, 2011 6:29:17 PM




Thanks, but I think its not what I want... Its not notification, rather delaying the down sensor sound alert itself and that seems not possible.

So if you have an unstable server, it keeps going down and making sound alert non stop, then goes back to normal, etc. I want to be able to delay the alerts for down sensors.


Created on Nov 25, 2011 1:48:56 PM




Would it help to not show alarms on the master Ping sensor as "Down" but as "Down Acknowledged" ? (You can set this in the "settings" tab of a ping sensor)

In other words, will auto acknowledge the down ping sensor prevent the alarm sound from playing?

If that is the case, you could write a custom sensor that goes down (and sounds the alarm) if one of the auto ack'd sensors is down for more than xx minutes.


Created on Nov 25, 2011 2:35:51 PM

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