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FeedHow to check online with multiple ping requests with delay >100ms?



I would like to have an immediate status change when device goes offline. Notification works fine as it should, but that device (router) has many dependent devices, so i need not only notification, i want to have its main sensor's status changed right, too. One Single Ping doesnt work - when network is overloaded, high packet loss causes false alarms ( = sensor goes "down" but target is really ok - just packet loss). Multiple Ping Requests dont work too - "Packet Loss" channel has perfect limit settings but ping delay is limited to 100 ms - i dont want to have a constant single ping every 100 ms.

I would like to organize two sensors for router:
Sensor1 with Single Ping every 5/10/15/etc seconds (2 seconds timeout);
Statistical Sensor2 which can collect Sensor1's data log in optional form (time period, like in Notification section - threshold trigger).
For example, Sensor2's state:
If Sensor1's Up % is below 30% during 5m Period, set the Sensor2 state to "Warning" (pause dependent devices)
If Sensor1's Up % is equal to 0% during 5m Period, set the Sensor2 state to "Down" (achtung! alarm immediately!)
If Sensor1's Up % is above 29% during 5m Period, set the Sensor2 state to "Up".

In this case, "Sensor1's Up %" is equal to packet loss, but in more friendly way. I presume, SensorAverageXML would do the work, but it can work only with hours, not with minutes, and it doesnt work at all =) maybe my fault. C:\>sensoraveragexml -u=prtgadmin -p=prtgadmin -s=1001 <prtg><error>1</error><text>Illegal characters in path.</text></prtg>

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Sorry for my english :)

custom-script-exe custom-sensor ping sensor statistical

Created on Dec 24, 2011 5:00:52 PM

Last change on Mar 19, 2015 3:49:00 PM by  Martina Wittmann [Paessler Support]

5 Replies



Sorry, that's not possible.

Created on Dec 25, 2011 9:07:36 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Hi Andrich,

On the Google Code project there is a sensor named SensorAverageXML that returns the xx hour average of every channel for a given sensor.

I know that you are looking for something like 5 minutes to report the average on, but see if this sensor can be of help. If it does, it can be modified to also report on a xx minute average.


Created on Dec 27, 2011 9:28:53 AM



Gerard Feijth, thank you for answering.
That sensor is helpful for sure, but yes, 1 hour step is too big. At this time i am learning manual's "api" section, trying to understand how to request sensor's statistics through http->api->xml and to make my own AdvancedSensorAverageXML :) unfortunately, original sources are not shown there (or did i miss the button?).
If anyone from developers reads this, this can be counted as feature request for future versions. PRTG Network Monitor has very nice threshold trigger, but that trigger is for notification only.
Adding a new custom sensor with custom threshold triggers
(something like: "when <select any object/channel here> is <select any threshold here> for <insert any time period here>, set state to <select any state here>")
would be very nice - firstly, it is not as advanced as Zabbix's trigger engine but will be useful in many situations too, and, secondly, adding two or more threshold triggers for new custom sensor will allow to make that sensor depend on two objects (in real life - some sensors are requiring other sensors to be in some condition for some time, not only right now).

Created on Dec 28, 2011 3:02:32 PM



Hi Andrich,

The SensorAverageXML sensor has been updated and now takes the -m parameter to supply the number of minutes the average has to be calculated on.

-m=   Optional, number of minutes to calculate the average on (default = 60).

Version 8.0.3 of the sensor can be downloaded here.

For combining sensor results, you might want to have a look at the Sensor Factory Sensor.


Created on Dec 29, 2011 9:17:03 AM



It would be nice to ping with a time between ping greater than 100ms.

In my case, if I ping every 100ms I get packet drops. But if I ping every 1000ms (1 second) I get no packet drops.

In some cases, the ping to the ISP is greater than 100ms. I know, not everyone live in the 1st world of Internet Communications.

Created on Jun 18, 2015 4:16:53 PM

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