We have a network map setup for our locations like this:
ISP(LAN\WAN) -> Sonicwall Router(LAN/WAN)->Switch->Wireless Aceess Points
I want to setup notifcations to where if the ISP I am monitoring goes down, then I receive email notifcations from that, but not all the other devices connected to it. I have it set for inheritance right now, but if the ISP goes down, my other decives go down and I will receive up to 10 notifications.
Now if the sonicwall router goes down, I want to receive that notifcation but not any for the switch or wireless access points. So I want the notifications to be dependant upon each other. So if I received one from ISP, I don't from the others. It seems like right now it is either no notifications or I receive them all. Is there a way to set this up so this can be accomplished? Thank You.
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