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FeedPRTG in Fortigate



I'd like to configure PRTG Monitoring on Fortigate. I configure the SNMP traffic on the wan interface but i obtain the following error:

"No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003)"

I read some forum (like https://kb.paessler.com/knowledgebase/en/topic/17773-how-to-configure-fortigate-snmp-traffic-in-prtg) and I find that I have to download the MIB from fortinet web page and then to install it on fortinet. At the end I have to install MIB Importer. Is it correct?

There is a best way?

Thanks. Marco

fortigate prtg-console prtg-network-monitor

Created on Feb 10, 2012 4:10:22 PM

15 Replies



first of all please check if the SNMP Settings (Version, Community String, port, eventual authentication, etc.) are correct. Then please also check if PRTG (or the PC on which PRTG is installed) is allowed to send SNMP Requests to the device in case (this usually has to be allowed on Firwalls). You can also use our SNMP Tester to test the SNMP-Functionality on the target device(s). For example reading the Device Uptime should definitely be possible.

Best Regards.

Created on Feb 13, 2012 2:15:54 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Hi, Thanks for your reply... I did some tests and I have some news about the question.

I downloaded and installed the Fortigate MIB that i found in http://www.oidview.com/mibs/12356/md-12356-1.html. Then I use the SNMP Tester but I obtain the following error: "Value: Error converting OID (SNMP error # -2007)".

On fortiGate I've configured the SNMP v.1/v2c... Now the error is: "No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003)"

How I can I configure the port on PRTG Network Monitor?

Thanks again.

Created on Feb 13, 2012 2:38:49 PM



The SNMP Port can be set on the "Settings"-tab of the device in PRTG under "SNMP Credentials".

Created on Feb 13, 2012 5:52:18 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



OK. I've resolved the problem. Thanks a lot.

Created on Feb 14, 2012 10:31:23 AM



i have a different problem, i am able to load the MIB into PRTG but the sensor but the metric comes out with an # and you cant tell what format the value is in also the value never varies. when i importe the MIB it had like 500+ sensors to choose from

Created on Apr 24, 2014 9:01:40 PM



It should be possible to change the unit in the Channel Settings of the sensor. However, for detailed explanations on the counters themselves, please consult with Fortinet.

Created on Apr 25, 2014 7:39:42 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]




I have same problem as Marco, could anyone help me with a step by step tuto to add a captor on a fortigate unit to manage bandwith please ?

Thanks for your help !

Created on Aug 20, 2015 9:52:05 AM



Where exactly are you stuck? It's actually just enabling SNMP on the fortigate and then setup SNMP traffic sensors that point to the Fortigate? :) It'll show all interfaces and you can select the ones PRTG should monitor.

Created on Aug 21, 2015 11:26:37 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



@marco, can you share what was the issue that solved your issue? have been already searching for days on the exact same thing. I have a probe inside of the mgmt network. so direct connection to the mgmt interface where I have enabled snap on. also have already configured several times again and again the snap settings and community name

always I receive the message No response

Created on Mar 16, 2016 11:53:48 PM



Does the SNMP uptime sensor work?

Created on Mar 17, 2016 8:55:21 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



OK rebooting made me already activate the SNMP it seems. I have already nice sensors thanks to the fortunate MIB's but when using the SNMP traffic he loads directly. but then it seems to hang with the message "Preparing sensor settings..." I really want to have Interface monitoring from the Vdom vlan's on the LACP's.

does anybody have the same issue?

ow the version used from fortigate is the 5.4

Created on Apr 22, 2016 9:52:00 AM



Is it possible that the MIB file is too large, i.e. too many counters? When you finish importing the MIBs, you get a statistic window with the found counters. Can you post that?

Created on Apr 22, 2016 10:39:43 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



If your configuration are right and you can't restart your fortigate you can just do this command : diag test application snmpd 44

SNMP Daemon Test Usage

1: display daemon pid

2: display snmp statistics

3: clear snmp statistics

4: generate test trap (oid: 999)

99: restart daemon

and after this :

diag test application snmpd 99

Created on Mar 14, 2017 10:17:37 AM




I have successful to import MIB.

Done restart PRTG by restart Core and Probe services

Success get return value by SNMP Tester

However there are nothing be discover by "Auto Discovery".

That means I need to manually add new senor by individual OID?


Created on Mar 28, 2017 9:21:43 AM



Please post the result of the MIB Importer after loading the MIB file. Thanks!

Created on Mar 28, 2017 10:24:16 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Last change on Mar 28, 2017 11:37:27 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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