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Feedacknoledged alarms



When i acknoledge an alarm until f.e. 20.2.2012. Why show me prtg the alarm?

For Info: The user A is in the holidays and will come back on 20.2.2012. So the ping sensor of his PC bring an alarm. Now i want to bring down the alarm until 20.2.2012. Another Example. Mobile Users come and go. i want to acknoledge the ping alarm of their notebooks until thei will come back, so that i don't have any alarms in prtg.

acknoledge alarm prtg

Created on Feb 15, 2012 2:44:12 PM

3 Replies




acknowledged alarms, are still alarms, though they are not errors anymore and will not be displayed under Alarms->Errors Only.

best regards.

Created on Feb 15, 2012 4:37:45 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



I think you don't understand what i mean.

I get an ping alarm from PC1. - OK (Reason: the PC is down because the user is in the holidays.) Now i acknoledge the alarm until a certain date in the future. Now the alarm is acknoledged for few hours, but f.e. on the next day the alarm is red again even though i acknoledged it for 10 days.

What i want is: Now alarm until the user is back from the holidays (until the date which i acknoledged the alarm).

Created on Feb 16, 2012 9:42:53 AM



If the sensor goes into another state, for instance UP or even unknown, yes then an acknowledged is removed. This can't be changed.

Created on Feb 16, 2012 4:06:36 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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