Hi Jon
-to Is the address to send the mail to, in your case prtgtestmail111@gmail.com.
-fr is the from address (the sender of the email) in your case user@localmail.com
Next we need a username and password to read mail from the mailbox where prtgtestmail111@gmail.com is setup to forward to (in your example user@localdomain.com): -u=user -p=password.
And we also need to know the name (or IP) of your local mail server -s=mail.localdomain.com
Last but not least, when running more than one instance of this sensor we need to be able to tell them apart by supplying the sensidID (-id=1001)
Making it something like this:
-to=prtgtestmail111@gmail.com -fr=user@localmail.com -id=xxx -u=user -p=password -s=mail.localdomain.com
The parameters between brackets like [-ssl] are optional parameters and when needed have to be supplied without the brackets.
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