I agree. I have 50+ servers with 3-6 sensors on each device that I monitor and it grows every month. It would be nice if I could have a %DeviceName or something like that so I could use it in URLs that I monitor Example Http:%DeviceName.mydomain.com/monitorpage.html
I'd also Like to use the server IP, because the above example is an external check, I also have a url I hit to monitor another system that monitors a custom service so I know that its working and doing jobs, so I have another httpsensor on each device that hits a url like this http://www.Mydomain.com/ipcheck.aspx?ip=
And this page has a Response must include variable. if not I know the service is not working correctly. ITs a bit more complex than just making sure the service is running.. this is an actual heartbeat check.
So at a min I would love to see on the sensors variables we can use in URLS :
Device Name
Device IP
It would be absolutely CRITICAL that these variables were not replaced when cloning. That is where the value is with this feature. If you could setup a template server, and clone and set just the device Name and the IP then everything else uses the variables. that would save me time going in and changing the cloned IP info in the URLs. It would make PRTG even more reliable as I am human and I have missed some changes and I've missed outages because the clone was never updated...So this error make me check everything more than once to make sure its right. PRTG is only as good as the configuration..
I could also see these variables on the device level: specifying just the device name and using that variable in the P and service URL as well. We organized organizations will have good naming conventions and be consistent across the board.
So setting Device Name to :ServerABC001
You could have the IPV4 set to %DeviceName.MyDomain.Local
and service URL http://%deviceName.MyDomain.com
Would LOVE TO see this added, have wanted it for years.
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