I want to monitor an application (e.g Backup Exec) which does log all relevant events to Windows event log.
At the moment, we are using one "WMI Event Log" sensor. So, if any event from this application (Backup Exec) is from the category "error" we see, that we may have to interact in any way...
But now I want to create a Web-Dashboard which does grab the PRTG sensor status using the PRTG API by HTTP request. But I need to get all error/warning/info messages found in a desired time period (e.g 20:00 to 8:00). And this sensor must return all messages found in the desired period (not just a number of events found, it MUST include the message itself).
Normally I could store the messages in a database (or what ever) to collect them using the Dashboard-Webserver (just get the sensore status in a short intervall).
But it happens that a lot of eventlogs are written in just a few seconds (far away from senseful scanning intervall of a WMI Sensor).
So, is there a possibility to create a Event-Log sensor which does not just store the last message found? Custome sensor? Or whatever?
The applications to monitor are able to send SNMP traps and Mails too. And I truly don't want to create tons of sensors (we are monitoring a log of customers with PRTG).
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