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FeedHow can I export sensor data using the TEXTLIST interface in IPCheck Server Monitor and PRTG Network



I would like to use the build-in TEXTLIST feature to generate lists of sensors data.

  • How do I use the TEXTLIST feature?
  • Is it still supported?

api export ipcheck5 prtg prtg6 sensor-data

Created on Feb 3, 2010 9:39:21 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Feb 3, 2010 10:09:59 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Information may be Out-of-Date

This page about deprecated software versions is only shown for reference purposes. Information on this page is not maintained and may no longer be valid.

This interface was initially introduced for IPCheck Server Monitor 5. For easy upgrades we have also implemented it for PRTG Network Monitor 7, but it should be considered deprecated for PRTG. Please use the PRTG API for new projects!

Documentation of the TEXTLIST interface of IPCheck Server Monitor and PRTG Network Monitor

Applies to PRTG Network Monitor V7.0.8 (or later) and IPCheck Server Monitor V5.0 (or later).

With the so-called TEXTLIST interface IPCheck Server Monitor and PRTG Network Monitor offer an easy and bandwidth-friendly way for other applications to access the monitoring status of servers and sensors for one account using a simple HTTP request.

This interface is used by the WinGUI of IPCheck to get the latest monitoring status. There are also demo PHP scripts that show how to access this data.

The URL of the TEXTLIST Interface

For HTTP you can access the data using a simple GET request to this URL (Note: if you use a port other than 80 for your IPCheck webserver please add the portnumber with a colon to the servername, e.g. server:8080):


or for SSL (recommended):


Documentation of the File Format

The reply to the TEXTLIST request is a simple text file. Each line of the file starts with a two character identifier (which declares the content of the line) and one or more parameters separated by a comma (",").

The following items can be found in the data:

VeVersion1: Server's software version (see note 1)
GrGroup1: Name
2: ID
3: "Paused" if group is paused
SrServer1: Name
2: ID
3: Icon ID
4: "Paused" if server is paused
SnSensor1: Name
2: ID
3: Type
4: Status: "Up", "Down", "Paused", "Warning"
5: Result String or Comment
6: Intervall
7: Last Scan
ClServer Time1: Date/Time value as a float (see note 2)
UiUser's ID1: User's ID (for building links into the web interface)
nvNew Version1: Infotext (see note 3)
ttTrial Info1: "-1"=expired, "xx"=expires in X days, "" = not a Trial (see note 3)
MeMessage1&2: Message Time (see note 2)
3: Status (textfield or "0"=info, "1"=up, "2"=warning, "3"=down)
4: Text of the message


  • Note 1: Check the server's software version to be compatible with your script
  • Note 2: Times are float values in the timezone selected for the associated user account. The integral part is the number of days that have passed since 12/30/1899. The fractional part is fraction of a 24 hour day that has elapsed. e.g. "35065,5" stands for Jan 1st 1996 at noon
  • Note 3: "tt" and "nv" only show up in IPCheck if necessary
  • Note 4: Future versions of this interface may add new identifier codes as well as additional parameters to each line, your script should ignore these additional values

Created on Feb 3, 2010 9:55:18 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Mar 25, 2010 9:05:28 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.