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FeedVisual issue on PDF report



Hi guys,

I just find an visual issue maybe is not so important than other things :), anyway.

I'm trying PRTG version 12 for a couple of days, and when I try to create an pdf report, borders inside the report dissapear when you go to 100% view scale. PRTG 7 which I still using, doesn't have this issue!

Here you can find 2 examples: http://www.mediafire.com/?partmf6vp5ja6t3,8qcqtgnd5rnvpnh

regards, Toni

pdf report visual

Created on Jul 12, 2012 9:34:42 AM

3 Replies



I'm afraid I cannot see any issue with the uploaded reports. The pretty much look the same, only the scaling of the content is different.
May you please elucidate what exactly you are refering to? Best regards

Created on Jul 13, 2012 8:53:58 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jul 13, 2012 8:54:09 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



Yes, you're right. The scaling of content is evident. In my PDF reader borders doesn't correctly displayed. I should go to scale 150% for a normal view. But to be realistic (take this as a feedback :D), regarding the appearance, PDF report in PRTG 7 was better designed compared PRTG 12. A whole content was more visually clear, in my opinion.


Created on Jul 13, 2012 1:37:46 PM



thank you for the feedback, It is much appreciated. I already forwarded your request to the responsible developer and it will be accounted when we are doing changes on the reporting PDF engine in the future. Thank you again.
Best regards

Created on Jul 13, 2012 1:48:37 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

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