Today we have a setup, consisting of two hosted environments, one in London UK and on in Dallas US, with NOC teams in Oslo and New York. We are now looking at setting up a new environment in Chicago, however, the management team supporting this site will reside in San Francisco.
Our PRTG installation is today located in Oslo with remote probes in London and Dallas which works fine. The Windows GUI and Web interface works great locally, but when accessing from San Francisco the latency, at least to the Windows GUI, is to high so we are wondering what options are available;
1. Installing a new instance of PRTG in San Francisco that only monitors the Chicago site.
a. This is not an optimal solution as Oslo will not be able to access the GUI in San Francisco and we will have two monitoring solutions which causes overhead.
2. Replicate the GUI instance to San Francisco.
a. Is there a way to replicate/mirror the GUI part of PRTG that uses the same probe(s) (not causing additional traffic against the production environments) and connect both Oslo, New York and San Francisco?
3. Other?
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