Hello! I've written a batch file which shall read the output from an *.exe file, manipulate this outputstring, and give it to my PRTG Sensor. When I test my batch-file in cmd it works fine, but when i load my PRTG Sensor the Sensor-output is never correct.
My Batch File:
@echo off C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Cleware4.2.8\Example\USBtemp\Release\USBTemp.exe -b > temp.txt set /p VAR=<temp.txt set grm=%VAR% set x=%grm:~22,5% echo %x%:ok My CMD output: 26.00 MY PRTG Output: Last Message: ~22,5% echo %x%:ok 26.06:ok Last Value: **empty**
There's my problem. I tried a lot, but i can't figure out how to format the output of my Batch-File right. I'm really sorry for my bad english, it's not my native-language.
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