Hello, i would like to have any suggestion on pausing monitors with undetermined times. We happen to run deployments on Network balanced servers (web servers) at different given times, every time i do a deployment i have to pause each device individually as well as all related websites to such servers in case of a required machine restart. In average the paused sensors are around 50 or more, depending on the type of deployment, the servers involved and the websites related. All the websites are in a group but they are not divided per application or anything since we only wanted to have a simple group of websites. For fact this takes a lot of time to pause all the monitors required. I thought about adding an schedule for each kind of deployment without having a specific time entered for it, that way i could use it when needed only, but after created one without adding the times and set it up on a device for testing, it paused the device and all its sensors even if i didnt set up a time on it.
If you all have any suggestions on how to approach this please let me know, its not urget but it can save me some time for sure.
Thanks in advance.
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