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FeedCustomer SNMP Sensor with "Response must not include" option



Dear support,

I need to poll a customer OID which returns a numeric value (2 for UP & 3 for Down). I am adding a sensor of Custom SNMP which is polling correct Values or either 2 or 3 , But the thing is i want it to turn RED on the value of 3 , which is not happening.

Response Must Not include parameter is not part of 'Custom SNMP" sensor which can do this work and trigger the notification and bring senor down when value of 3 is received.

Can someone guide me how can i achieve my objective???

custom-snmp-sensor custom-string-sensor notification

Created on Jan 7, 2013 1:16:03 PM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Under the sensor's overview page, click on the "Channels" tab. Now, select the desired channel and, from the options below, turn on the Limits. If you now define an upper limit of 2 for the error entry, the sensor in case will turn red (Down) once the value is above 2 (e.g. 3).

Created on Jan 7, 2013 1:22:23 PM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3

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