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FeedHow do I find a sensor by it's ID



I know I will be embarrassed when I hear the answer, but I cannot figure out how to find a particular sensor by ID number. Every night we get the following warning

Sensor: CPU Load 3 (SNMP Custom) https://monitoring.hcc.net/m/sensor.htm?id=2182 Status: Threshold reached (CPU Load) ((50 %))

We have edited the sensor we *thought* it was trying to change the value to 70% multiple times, and even deleted and recreated it but we still get the 50% warning. We are now thinking we may be working on the wrong sensor but it is the only CPU sensor on that device. We are hoping that we might be able to identify the sensor by it's ID 2182 (taken from the warning above), but cannot figure out how to search for it by that number. Can you help with that or do you have other suggestions? Thank you, Neil

id prtg search sensor

Created on Jan 8, 2013 6:21:13 PM

1 Reply



you might just call the sensor directly by using the following URL:
In general you can access every sensor by ID by replacing the number in the id URL parameter. You furthermore might want to check the tab Channels of the affected sensor as the limits are most likely defined there.
Best regards

Created on Jan 9, 2013 8:07:30 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jan 9, 2013 8:07:40 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

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