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FeedHow can I publish my sensors on Ducksboard?



My PRTG server is not accessible from the internet, but still I would like to show some of my sensors to the public, like on Ducksboard. How can I do this?

ducksboard publish sensordata

Created on Jan 30, 2013 7:47:06 AM

8 Replies

Accepted Answer




This is possible with Custom Sensor PTF.Ducksboard.

PTF.Ducksboard uses the monitoring result of an existing sensor and pushes the data to Ducksboard. As the data is pushed, there is no need for your PRTG server to be accessible from the internet.

Using Ducksboard, you can provide a public read only link to your monitoring data with widgets like this:


You can sign up for a free Ducksboard developer account here. A free developer account has limitations, but is perfect for publishing your PRTG monitoring data.

The sensor can be downloaded here.

Created on Jan 30, 2013 8:56:19 AM



good morning

I'm trying to use this sensor and I get the following error

Remote server error: (401) Unauthorized.

You mean the server running the PRG?


Created on Feb 1, 2013 9:10:07 AM



Hi Borja,

This indicates a wrong API key / slotname combination.

Click your Ducksboard Custom Widget and select "WIDGET PREFERENCES" to find your API Key and Slotname.

The API key is shown at the bottom of the preferences window.

The slotname can be derived from the url where it says "POINT YOUR DATA TO THIS URL" If for example the url here reads "https://push.ducksboard.com/v/123456" your slotname is "123456"


Created on Feb 1, 2013 1:55:39 PM



This looks really good!

A couple of questions please:

1. How do you send the data for the 3 custom boxes in your first example, Up, Down and Paused, i.e. how do I obtain these values from PRTG?

2. The Status Widget (Text) looks a nice one to show the up or down status of a sensor, according to the Ducksboard API documentation this requires 0 OK (green), 1 ERROR (red), 2 WARNING (yellow) to display correctly. Is it possible to get these values out of PRTG to send to Ducksboard?

Thank you

Created on Feb 22, 2013 10:21:56 AM



Hi Richard,

Thanks for your feedback. To answer your questions:

1. You can obtain the number of Down, Warning and Paused sensors from PRTG using the SensorCount Custom Sensor. You will need to run an instance of this sensor for each status that you want to retreive and also an instance of the Ducksboard Sensor for each status (number) that you want to push to Ducksboard.

So to send data to the three csutom boxes, you will need to run a total of 6 sensors.

2. At the moment this is not possible, but I like the idea. If you send me an email we can do some testing with a modified version of the Ducksboard sensor.


Created on Feb 25, 2013 1:47:47 PM




Version of the sensor now supports sending multiple channels (of the same source sensor) in one run.

Also the Status Widget is supported now.

Using the –s switch in combination with a ‘custom status’ widget it will send the status of the source sensor (down, warning, up) to the widget.

Created on Mar 14, 2013 9:33:12 AM



Just revisiting this.

I notice that the Ducksboard dashboard is an hour different to the sensor update time. The Sensor display comes up "An Hour From Now" in the time field in Ducksboard.

I assume that this is because Duckboard is using UTC time whereas in the UK we are currently in Daylight Saving time which is UTC + 1 hour.

Is there any way to send the sensor data in UTC time to avoid this discrepancy?


Created on Jul 30, 2013 10:38:22 AM



Hi Richard,

Thanks for reporting this.

A new version of the Ducksboard sensor has been published, resolving this issue.


Created on Jul 30, 2013 11:49:01 AM

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