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API historic data timerange



I tried to export the historic data from the last month into an xml file. The Request is similar to this one: /api/historicdata.xml?id=2186&avg=86400&sdate=2013-01-01-00-00-00&edate=2013-01-31-23-59-59 What I get is the an xml file with the data form 31.12. till 30.01 and not the range I defined. If I reduce the average value to 3600 I get the data from 31.12 23:00 till 31.01 23:00. I bit closer but still not the range I want to select.

Is this a bug or working as intended?

ap historic-data i-timerange

Created on Feb 1, 2013 7:39:18 AM

1 Reply




we are looking into this already, it's mostly an issue with how to build/handle such calls from the User side is documented, please try the call:


it will work properly because the average fits properly into the period. In current canary builds this is already changed for the "Historic Data"-Tab, and will be adjusted in the documentation as well.

best regards.

Created on Feb 1, 2013 12:07:41 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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