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FeedSMS notification only writes 'Network'



Hi all,

i have set up SMS notification thru EXE notification, we have a program call SYSmanSMS and the setup works.

I have made a bat file and placed it in EXE folder, the bat file contains the following code:

echo "%~2" >"C:\SysManSMS\INPUT\prtg.txt"

The notification parameter contains the following:

[%sitename] %device %name %status %down (%message)

That is the standard parameter i have tried with " ".

I get the SMS but all it says is: 'Network' i would like to have a SMS like the email notification with more information, what to do.

batch-file notification sms

Created on Feb 7, 2013 2:59:05 PM

Last change on Feb 7, 2013 4:00:08 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

3 Replies




it is hard to guess what is going on in your external application, so we can only give limited support here.

However, to check if PRTG hands over the content correctly, have you checked your prtg.txt file? Does it contain all information? If you use the "Test" link of the notification, PRTG should hand over exactly the string [%sitename] %device %name %status %down (%message) (placeholders are resolved on runtime only, not when testing the notification). Do you see this string in your text file?

Created on Feb 7, 2013 3:59:44 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]



Is it not so that

echo "%~2" >"C:\SysManSMS\INPUT\prtg.txt"

will only write the 2nd parameter passed to the batch file to your prtg.txt file? In that case your prtg.txt file will always contain the value of the %device placeholder only.


Created on Feb 7, 2013 4:31:45 PM



I still dont understand what to do, the prtg.txt contains the same as the SMS,

The SMS could look like this: '(PRTG Network Monitor (PC-PRTG)) %device %name'

Thanks for the help.

Created on Feb 7, 2013 8:48:45 PM

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