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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedReady only account not able to see certain view



Permissions in PRTG seem to be pretty bland. I'm trying to setup an account with read only access with permissions to access only certain pages or libraries in PRTG but not having any luck. Is this possible? Here is my current setup. I created a group (lets call it group1) and give it read only access rights. I create the account (account1) and give it ready only access. I add group1 as the primary group for account1. I don't see any option to limit account1 to only be able to access a particular page/library in PRTG. If click on library there is no library displayed. If i log back in with an admin account, the library is displayed. Shouldn't a ready only account have access to view the library just not edit it?

permissions prtg security

Created on Feb 20, 2013 5:50:17 PM

2 Replies

Accepted Answer



permissions in PRTG are based on the user groups not directly on the user itself. Additional a created user in PRTG (non-admin) by default has absolutely no permissions, you will have to set the same explicitly for each object.
In the libraries switch to tab Settings of the library in question where the Access Rights for the groups can be set.
In a sensor/device/group switch to tab Settings as well and remove the tick from Inherit Access Rights. Now you can set the permissions.
After setting the permissions correctly the user should see the objects he has viewing permissions.
Best regards

Created on Feb 20, 2013 7:01:49 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



Thank you! Working great now.

Created on Feb 20, 2013 8:57:00 PM

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