Hi, I'm finding the new gauges quite handy to visually represent the health of a sensor. Unfortunately two of our sensors don't quite display that well.
They are folder sensors and monitor the age of the most recent file in the folder. If there's no change for 10 mins then flag as a warning, 20 mins flag as down. Due to a few issues there's been recorded downtime of 9h 40m 32s, so the gauge is always pointing to the far left (with a big red portion for the rest of the gauge).
I did wonder if this could be fixed by adding a spike value but the help says these values will be disregarded - does this mean they are removed from the historic data (i.e. downtime)? I also looked at the Vertical Axis Scaling, this seems to fix the chart but not the gauge.
The 30 & 365 day charts don't show this large value, they seem to show a highest downtime of 1h 30m (which I'm guessing is an average of the maximum value).
Any help would be appreciated.
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