We don't measure latency on the VMware host side, but on the storage side.
At this moment with a script which runs every 5 minutes on our physical backup server.
Output has te be converted to XML.
The folder "EVA Performance Monitor" has an alias in IIS on that backup server.
In PRTG we have HTTP XML/REST sensors which read the data from the XML files.
f.e. Settings of the sensor >>
URL : http://%servername%/evaperf/hp1ctrl2.xml
XML node : Read_Latency__ms_
( all credits to my colleague who made this )
Maybe you can develop somethink likewise, and post it here ;)
For example with esxtop .
PRTGplugins.com VMware ESX monitor is an option.
I just saw that disk performance monitoring is under development.
cd \
cd "Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\EVA Performance Monitor"
evaperf as -csv -fo arraystatus.csv
csv2xml < arraystatus.csv> arraystatus.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP1 W00J -fo hp1ctrl1.csv
csv2xml < hp1ctrl1.csv> hp1ctrl1.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP1 W01A -fo hp1ctrl2.csv
csv2xml < hp1ctrl2.csv> hp1ctrl2.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP2 W00J -fo hp2ctrl1.csv
csv2xml < hp2ctrl1.csv> hp2ctrl1.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP2 W01A -fo hp2ctrl2.csv
csv2xml < hp2ctrl2.csv> hp2ctrl2.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP3 W00J -fo hp3ctrl1.csv
csv2xml < hp3ctrl1.csv> hp3ctrl1.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP3 W01A -fo hp3ctrl2.csv
csv2xml < hp3ctrl2.csv> hp3ctrl2.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP4 W00J -fo hp4ctrl1.csv
csv2xml < hp4ctrl1.csv> hp4ctrl1.xml
evaperf hps -cn -csv -fd FP4 W01A -fo hp4ctrl2.csv
csv2xml < hp4ctrl2.csv> hp4ctrl2.xml
evaperf cs -fd W00J -csv -fo controller1status.csv
csv2xml < controller1status.csv> controller1status.xml
evaperf cs -fd W01A -csv -fo controller2status.csv
csv2xml < controller2status.csv> controller2status.xml
cd \
cd "Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV"
del C:\Scripts\EVAperfforPRTG\evastatus.txt
sssu.exe "file sssuprtg.txt"
cd \
cd c:\scripts\EVAperfforprtg
texttoxml.exe evastatus.txt "c:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\EVA Performance Monitor\evastatus.xml" " operationalstate"
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