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FeedDynamically Pull & Include Windows Event Log 'Date/Message' Column Data in Reports?




I am currently looking for the best way to include Backup Exec (11d and higher) in PRTG reports. Via SNMP it seemed like I could only use a vary limited number of notifications, unless I'm missing something here (Mainly Product Version, Build, etc). Monitoring via the event log seems to work alright however I'm looking for a better way to present this data in reports. Any good way to automatically pull data for the last week and present it in a table? Columns of interest would be Date and Message mainly.

Ideally it would be great if I could get the same table shown when I go to Home > Devices > […] > Servers > *Server Name*> Eventlog: Application, Click the 'Log' tab (Which shows me each message stating 'Job completed successfully/failed etc) and click the 'Show Table in New Window' button on scheduled reports. Is this possible? If so how would I do it? Copying the code into the report template works but data is all static...

Thanks in advance.

backup-exec prtg reporting

Created on Jun 1, 2010 1:50:00 PM

3 Replies




the 'Log'-Database is a separate entity from the 'Historic Monitoring Data'-Database (for instance they might have different purging settings). Reports can only be performed upon the latter. And as the messages from Eventlog-Monitoring are written into the Log-Database it is technically not possible to report these.

Best Regards.

Created on Jun 1, 2010 2:09:30 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Thank you for the quick reply. Any plans in V8 to expand on reporting? Just curious.

In your opinion what is the best way to present Backup Exec job status data working with what is available in V7? Is it possible to grab other info besides Product Version/Build via SNMP?Documentation on Backup Exec v12+ lists dozens of OID's but all I ever get with any besides the few I mentioned is 'No Such Name (SNMP Error #2)'. If there any way to embed the webpage shown in the 'Log' into a report? Seemed like it may be a possibility... Again Thanks in advance.



Created on Jun 1, 2010 11:04:44 PM




most likely this will not be implemented in the near future. Nor is it possible to use the 'Log' in any other kind of report. I'm also afraid our experiences with monitoring Backup Exec are very little, maybe other PRTG users can help here better.

Best Regards.

Created on Jun 3, 2010 9:21:30 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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